

Announcement: About the 2021-2022 season in the three countries

The Asia League Ice Hockey (Chairman: Ryuichi Kisaka) has been making preparations for the 2021-2022 season with a view to starting the season in December 2021, taking into account the impact of the spread of the COVID-19. However, in light of the situation where the following requirements, which are the main criteria for implementation as resolved by the Asia League Executive Committee, the league's executive body, were not met, the decision was made not to start the season in December with the full package including border movement.


Restrictions on overseas travel must have been lifted between the three member countries.

The voluntary quarantine period after entry into Japan must be lifted.

The environment must be conducive to the implementation of sports entertainment using the arena in each host city.


As a result, the "Asia League Ice Hockey 2021-2022 Season" has been cancelled.          

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